Download Leaflabs Driver

If you still can’t get the IDE installed after reading this page,check the troubleshooting page for help withsome common problems. If all else fails, try our forum, or contactus directly!


  • Installation

The ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) is a vendor-independent hardware abstraction layer for the Cortex-M processor series and specifies debugger interfaces. You need STSW-LINK009 (this is the Windows driver) and STSW-LINK004 (the programming utility). You need to make an account to download them. Use the included dpinst tools or the bat script to install the driver. After the driver is installed and the ST-Link adapter is recognized by the computer, install and launch STM32 ST-LINK Utility. Programming AVRs was a walk in the park. Just download avrdude + avr-gcc, get a cheap USB programmer, and you were set. Compared to that, developing for ARM is like trying to stroll in the middle of a raging battlefield. First, you need to choose an ARM chip – Cortex-M0, Cortex-M3, etc. The 'dfu' driver is the opensource libusb-win32 driver and the 'serial' driver is Microsoft's usbser driver. A few posts back I posted an installer (wdi-simple) which can install the libusb-win32 and usbser drivers for any vid/pid. It self-signs the.inf files.

Choose the correct version for your operating system:

Windows XP (Legacy)Tested on 32-bit Windows XP. Official Windows support is so far out of date it is effectively non-existent.
Linux 32-bitTested on Ubuntu 10.04 (32-bit)
Linux 64-bitTested on Debian Wheezy (64-bit) and Mint 14.1 (64-bit)
Mac OS XTested on Snow Leopard (10.6); believed to work with more recent versions

The package bundles together a compiler, an upload utility, a softwarelibrary, and a simple GUI text editor. All this software is free andopen; we are grateful to the Arduino, CodeSourcery, GNU, andOpenMoko developers, as well as many others,who allow us to reuse their software.

Looking for something older?Source archives and binaries are availablefor previously-released versions.

First, extract all the files in the ZIP file to a suitable location onyour system (like your Desktop folder). Next, you have to installsome drivers. Sorry!


Note that while these instructions work on Windows XP,changes in Windows 7 (and later) mean that you won’t be able to install theIDE without disabling driver signing on your computer.Users on the forum have reported a workaround, but weonly officially support the IDE on 32-bit Windows XP.

Download Leaflabs Driver Printer

First, install DFU drivers (for uploading code to your Maple) usingthe following steps.

Download Leaflabs Driverpack


Download Leaflabs Drivers

  1. Plug your Maple into the USB port.
  2. Hit the reset button on your Maple (it’s the small button at thebottom left, labeled RESET). Notice that it blinks quickly 6 times,then blinks slowly a few more times.
  3. Hit reset again, and this time push and hold the other buttonduring the 6 fast blinks (the button is on the top right; it islabeled BUT). You can release it once the slow blinks start.
  4. Your Maple is now in perpetual bootloader mode. This should give you achance to install the DFU drivers.
  5. Windows should now prompt you for some drivers. In the top leveldirectory of the Maple IDE, point Windows todrivers/mapleDrv/dfu/.

Next, install serial drivers (for communicating with your Maple usingserial over USB).

Download Leaflabs Driver Download

  1. Reset your Maple and allow it to exit the bootloader (wait for theslow blinking to stop). The Maple will next start running whateverprogram was uploaded to it last. (New Maples will start running thetest program we upload to them before shipping them to you).
  2. Once Maple is running some user code, Windows should prompt you formore drivers. Point windows to driver/mapleDrv/serial.

You can now run the Maple IDE by double-clicking on themaple-ide program from within the extracted IDE directory.


The IDE is written in Java and requires a compatible runtime (JRE).

If you don’t have one, they’re usually pretty easy to install. SunJava 1.6 and OpenJDK 1.6 are known to work, and runtimes mostlycompatible with Sun Java 1.5+ should probably get the job done.

To install Java, try using your distribution’s software packagingtool and search for “JRE” or “java”. On Debian-based systems(including Ubuntu) you can try to install the OpenJDK 1.6 JREwith:

Extract the tarball to an appropriate location (like your homedirectory or desktop).

Download Leaflabs Driver

Make sure you have a Java runtime (JRE) installed; if you can runjava from the shell, you should be fine.


On 64-bit distros only, you will also need to install some 32-bit librariesneeded by the LeafLabs-supported ARM GCC toolchain with

You may also need to remove brltty(if it is installed) with

Brltty provides braille access to the console. It has been reportedto cause conflicts with Maple.

For some non-Debian distributions, you may additionally need to installlibusb. Specifically, for 64-bit ArchLinux you need lib32-libusb andlib32-libusb-compat.

Next, run the script in the extractedIDE directory. It will ask for root permissions (you will be promptedwith something along the lines of [sudo]passwordfor<username>:). You now need to restart udev:

This will grant members of the group plugdev read/write access to Mapledevices over USB. For Debian (and perhaps some versions of Ubuntu and Mint),you want to be in the dialout group. It’s easy to find out: just ls-l/dev/ttyACM0 with the Maple plugged in and see which group owns the device.Make sure that you are in the appropriate group by running, eg, $sudoadduser<your_username>plugdev (which will ensure access to the Maple, butmay report that you are already a member of that group). (For more informationon why this is part of the install process, see the Unix toolchainquickstart).

To run the Maple IDE, run ./maple-ide from the shell, ordouble-click on it if your window system supports it.

Feel free to put the IDE directory wherever you want. As long as youleave its internal structure unchanged, things should be fine.

Double-click on the .dmg file you downloaded to mount the diskimage. From the mounted image, drag and drop the Maple IDE icon intoyour computer’s Applications folder.

To run the Maple IDE, double-click the Maple IDEapplication you dragged into your computer’s Applicationsfolder.